Do you ever sometimes get bullied and you don’t know how to defend yourself, or tell that person to go away when they annoy you? I have got a few tips if a bully teases you. The best thing to do is to walk away from them or ignore them. Sometimes when a robber comes to your house and hurts you another thing to do is to defend yourself (only if it's safe to do so - my mom says she would run away screaming).
How? You can do karate. It may surprise you that I, Julia Houareau, have been doing karate for 5 years and a few weekends ago I earned my brown three stripe. It was so much fun but it took patience, discipline and hard work.
This photo is of me with my dad before the grading.

This is me during the grading trying really hard.

This is me with my dad when I got my certificate. I was so happy that my dad came all the way from Seychelles for my grading. It was such a big surprise and I love him so much.
Another thing to remember peeps if you are doing karate, don’t use it on your friends and family.
This is Julia, signing out. Stay safe.

I know how hard you've worked to get this far with your karate, you really deserve it xx
I am so proud of you Julia, for achieving so much. It has taken a lot of hard work and patience and I think your mom and dad are extremely proud of you. You go girl! Love you lots and lots.
Aunty Carol
Congratulations on your brown three stripe Jules ... You must have worked really hard to achieve this! I'm sure your Dad being there to join you in achieving this was such a blessing - you're so special. Lots of Love, Sam xxx
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